Effects of Extreme Usage of Mobile Phone on Your Pinky / Little Finger

The typical time that an individual usually spends on the mobile phones has increased quickly. Right from a piece of writing those excels on the app to order the groceries online the smartphone is capable of doing everything. However, except for all this, the smartphone is additionally capable of affecting our health. 

Let suppose you have no available network connections and consider the panic that's absolute to turn out in its consequences. In the world of technologies, mobile technology is what keeps individuals getting into today’s day and age. As stated by numerous studies, on a mean, an individual spends more than 5 hours using a smartphone on daily basis. 

With this, there's an increase among the many users who are complaining about developing a deformity in their little finger referred to as the 'pinky finger'. A "pinky finger" is believed to be associated with the depression between the first and second inter-phalangeal joints in the little finger by bearing the load of the smartphone for a long period. It results in a condition that happens once the finger bends on the dominant hand and it also loses its energy to carry the Smartphone and consequently starts to pain and feeling numbness.

The person who is habitual of using the phones, particularly the one with an even bigger and wider screen for typing texts or emails causes the thumb and also the other fingers to be overworked, through repetition of movements. It causes hypermobility of the smaller joints around the fingers; the ligaments of the thumb are also affected. While most of the task is done on phones so, the fingers become more stressed-out, which may cause hypermobility and degenerative joint (i-e, osteoarthritis), which might result in the deformation of a finger.


Suggested Tips:

Although this is not very damaging to one's health, there may be other different factors that influence our joints and cause degenerative changes for instance: diet, past medical history, family history, any medication, etc.

Some recommended tips are below that ought to assist you in eliminating the difficulty, if you do not obtain any medical facilitation.

        ·         Try to produce less stress on the joints and tendons of the hands.

        ·         Avoid exploiting the smartphone too typically and use it for shorter durations.

     ·     Switch your hands after every few minutes, therefore the smartphone would not produce stress in one hand for an extended period.

        ·         Take time while using your smartphone before your hand starts to pain.

        ·         Stretching is the best exercise to prevent "smartphone pinky finger".


No doubt about the mental and social impacts of excessive smartphone usage. Smartphone addiction is turning into one of the most common drawbacks worldwide.

The rays emitting from the Smartphone usually trigger several of the signaling pathways within the brain connected to reward and feeling sensible, like releasing a neurotransmitter i-e dopamine.  Smartphone Addiction may have some symptoms like interrupted sleep, hassle in finishing tasks, segregation from individuals, etc. extreme use can also lead to a complicated condition that is, nomophobia, which leads an individual towards anxiety if he/she is being without a phone.

According to the Physiotherapists:

This recurrent usage will result in hypermobility of the smaller joints around the fingers because the ligaments are slightly stretched, within the short-term usage. however, while in the long-term usage, this overuse will result in degenerative changes in cartilages between the joints that may lead to osteoarthritis.




Dr. Tuba Salam


